A magical thing

We crashed hard and then woke up around 8:00pm. I made us a decadent meal of pasta and chicken and a salad of shredded cabage and cilantro with lemon dressing and we lit the candles and put on music and drank some red wine. Jon and I sat, gazing blissfully at each other, still tired and slightly drunk, in the beautiful light of the cabin as Pura Vida swayed gently on her anchor. The kids were getting ready for bed.
Kai poked his head in the salon.
" humble we must be, if heaven we must go...
For the walls are high but the gates are low."
Hunter plays boat ninja's
It was the poem from magic ring he had read out loud the other day." did you remember that from just reading it once?" I asked, incredulous that anyone's brain wasn't as soggy as mine right now.
" I memorized it...and a couple others too." Kai said. " now you guys say one"
Jon and I stared at each other. Was this our soon to turn ten year old boy actually reciting poetry that he was reading on his own?
" daddy, are you crying" asked Hunter with her sly little look. " you NEVER cry!".
I'm sorry to report that neither Jon nor I, with all our years of memorized poems and sonnets, could think, at that moment, of a single line or poem or even a thing to add to Kai's magic ring attempt. We just sat there and smiled and cried.
Then everybody went back to bed.

1 comment:

  1. Crying is so '80s....no one really cries anymore....almost never...I never do....never.....

    (if this was paper, you'd see right through it)
